All right guys, I'm about to start to diet down for the summer. What do you think? I know the late night option is going to be cut but sometimes I get really hungry at that time it sucks. Plus I will allow for one cheat meal on the weekend.

Thanks for the help,



1 cup of egg whites plus 1 yolk 1 package of instant rolled oatmeal a piece of fruit, 8oz of V8 and 16oz of water with lemon
1 cups of cottage cheese with 1 package of instant rolled oatmeal a piece of fruit, 8oz of V8 and 16oz of water with lemon


1 can of tuna – 2 cups approximate of diced cabbage and mix veg (it’s the bag of coleslaw without the dressing just the raw vegetables). 8oz of tomato juice, 16oz of water with lemon

Pre-Work Out Shake:

40 grams of protein before I go to the gym

LIFT – plus cardio (30-45min) either stationary bike or speed walking on the tread mill

Post Work:

40 grams each of protein plus a banana


6oz to 8oz’s of steak, chicken or a can of tuna – 2 cup approximate of steamed vegetables salad with 2 tablespoons of oil dressing. 16oz of water with lemon.

Late Night Option: (between 8-9:00pm)

- ½ cup trail mix
- Gello (sugar free)
- Yogurt
- Or granola