Legal status of personal "stash" after ban passes


Ok I have a question that I would like to know if anyone has the answer for.
As stupid as it is this ban will probably pass, (yes I have done my part and written my representatives, have you?).

I have two Questions

1. As long as I do not sell or intend to sell my personal stockpile will I be entitled to legally keep and use it? If I hypothetically have a fair amount of powders could they just assume I am going to sell it and charge me with intent to distribute>?

2.Does anyone know for sure if any of the new methyls are included in this ban or is it just some of the older ones (anyone know what ones?)

I think it's retarded that the government feels it needs to regulate the supplement I use to better myself physically but that is the way it is. I do not want to break the law in any way. Input appreciated.

Another idea, perhaps those in the know "the people creating these new goodies" should wait until the ban to create anything new. Then, since government is so slow and backlogged it would take years for them to ban the next crop of supplements, just a thought.