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    Thread: New Bulk/Cut Diet

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      Massive1's Avatar
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      Default New Bulk/Cut Diet

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      • New Bulk/Cut Diet

      • New Bulk/Cut Diet
      • New Bulk/Cut Diet
      • New Bulk/Cut Diet
      • New Bulk/Cut Diet
      • New Bulk/Cut Diet
      • New Bulk/Cut Diet
      By Ironcurtain
      The new diet consists of two distinct phases: five days (weekdays) of carbohydrate depletion (a.k.a. "ketosis"), and two days (weekends) of carbohydrate loading. This seven-day cycle is then repeated ad infinitum.

      First off, let's talk about the first phase of the diet: five days of carbohydrate depletion (a.k.a. "Ketosis"). During these five weekdays, the goal is to ingest 0% carbohydrates, 55%-75% fat, and 45%-25% protein. If you're like most individuals, your initial knee-jerk reaction is to scream out vehemently, "What the &?!4?! I'll get fatter than a pig on this diet!!!! I thought carbohydrates made you lean, and dietary fats made you fat!!!! Hold on to your seats and seatbelts, folks, because what I am about to tell you is going to blow you away! Believe it or not, ingesting carbohydrates, fat, and protein in these ratios will actually cause you to become big, ripped to the bone, massively muscular and incredibly powerful! Sounds impossible, huh???? Well, let me explain the science that makes this a metabolic reality! As I?ve stated earlier, we are carb depleting, getting rid of carbohydrates, and entering a metabolic state known as "Ketosis" Simply put, when the human body is deprived of carbohydrates, it has to switch over to an alternative fuel source for energy. In other words, once you've inundated your body with dietary fat, it switches over from burning carbohydrates for energy to burning ingested dietary fat and (most importantly) body fat for energy! That's right! By switching the body into a state of ketosis, you turn into a literal fat-burning machine! Your own internal body fat will be stripped away in order to fuel your body! Believe it or not, by eating more fat, you become less fat! As long as you keep the carbs to a minimum and stay in a state of ketosis, it will be impossible for you to get fat. During Ketosis, you will become shredded, lean, and ripped to the bone! More importantly you will become as strong as an ox.

      I know, this sounds too good to be true ... what's the catch? There's gotta be one. Well, the only catch is that you must keep carbohydrate intake to the absolute minimum for these five days! This, however, won't be too difficult because what you'll have to give up, you'll never miss because of all the good stuff you do get to eat (steaks, pork, ham & cheese omelets, etc.)! Realize that humans only get fat when they mix fat and carbs together! When fats and carbohydrates are consumed together the carb's are used for energy with the dietary fat being stored as, yep, you guessed it, body fat!

      But what happens when you deprive your body of carbohydrates? Don't you need carbohydrates for energy? Doesn't the brain need glucose for energy? The answer to that question is (believe it or not!) "NO!" During Ketosis, your body simply switches over to using dietary fat and body fat for energy.

      Realize that there is such a thing as an essential protein -- these are called essential amino acids, and can only be obtained from the diet -- your body cannot produce them on its own, but your body needs them to function properly. Likewise, there is essential fat -- these are called essential fatty acids, because they can only be obtained from the diet -- your body cannot produce them on its own, but your body needs them to function properly. However, there is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate. In other words, your body does not need carbohydrates to function! It can easily exist on a diet consisting only of fat and protein!

      Look at the Eskimos. They have been carbohydrate depleting for ages. Yet they live very healthy, long lives, with only rare cases of heart disease. We know what you're thinking now, too. "With all that intake, won't I be knocking on the arthleroclerosis' door?" Again, the answer is NO! Believe it or not, ketosis reduces cholesterol levels because you force your body to exist off fatty acids and cholesterol!

      Now let's face it -- a diet will only work so long as it's satisfying and filling. Dietary fat is far more satiating than carbohydrates, so during phase I of the diet you won't have to worry about those tremendous hunger pangs which always occur on low-calorie, high-carb/low-fat diets. In fact, one of the major drawbacks to a low-calorie, high-carb/low-fat diet is the fact that these meals are usually digested in about half an hour. What usually follows is excruciating hunger pangs, subsequent binge eating, and then the dieter gives up on his diet!

      With high-fat/low-carb meals composed primarily of meat, eggs and cheese, the digestion process is slowed down exponentially! You won't be continually thinking about food like you do on those high-carb/low-fat diets! Furthermore, high-carb/low-fat meals typically cause hypoglycemic (excessive insulin secretion) induced hunger pangs. This tremendous insulin secretion is caused by the high-carb intake, and magnified by the low-fat intake (dietary fat blunts the secretion of insulin). Those of you who have experienced insatiable hunger while ingesting chocolate bars know what I'm talking about -- you eat one, and you just can't seem to quit pigging out on sugary foods! The next thing you know, you've qualified for the pudding belly Olympics. That's not going to happen on this diet. Remember, staying in ketosis guarantees that you will stay lean.

      As you follow this diet, It is absolutely mandatory that you keep a daily diary of your diet, and record the exact amount of protein, fat, carbohydrates, and calories ingested daily. Getting down to 0% carbohydrates per day will be realistically impossible. As long as you keep carb intake below 30 grams/120 calories, you should still remain in ketosis. This amount should make the diet fairly palatable, as you will be able to pour some steak sauce on your steaks, or even have a beer or two at night if you've diligently depleted carbs throughout the day.

      As noted, the goal of Phase 1 was to carb deplete -- to empty the muscle cells of glycogen, and to force the body to burn body fat through ketosis. Now we're onto Phase 2 -- Carbohydrate Loading. The goal of Phase 2 is to cram carbohydrates into the muscles through carb loading. You may have heard about carb loading being used by marathon runners to increase endurance, or by bodybuilders to increase size temporarily and dramatically immediately prior to a contest. Phase 1 can be considered the "cutting" phase, and Phase 2 could be considered the "growth," or the "bulking" phase.

      During the carbohydrate loading phase, the goal is to ingest roughly 60% carbohydrates, 20% protein, and 20% fat. Because of these percentages, combined with the fact that you are carbohydrate loading, these two days become a virtual ?pigfest?. During these two days, pretty much ANYTHING is fair game to eat. That's right, you're allowed to eat Burger King, McDonald's, Dairy Queen banana splits, all the Dunkin' Doughnuts you want, pizza, chocolate bars, soda pop, and even sugar sandwiches! The wonderful thing about this diet is that for these two days, you can vent your spleen and satisfy all your cravings for your favorite foods! Yes, on this diet you do have to be fairly selective during the weekdays in order to achieve ketosis. During the weekdays you may become antsy and disgruntled about how selective you have to be to adhere to the diet. However, come the weekend, you can truly go wild and not feel guilty about your dietary actions! Be sure to curtail the carb load to 48 hours, though. Remember what I said about insulin? Yes, it is a very anabolic hormone; however, it can be very fat producing when secreted in excess. Some athletes may have to limit the carb load to less than 48 hours. Experiment with your own body and find your own limit -- when you look in the mirror and you start smoothing out, halt the carb load, and resume ketosis. All bodybuilders will have to custom-tailor the carb load duration to meet their own specific metabolisms. If done correctly, the muscles after a successful carb load should be fuller, rounder, and pumped to the max! If overdone, you will start smoothing out, and lying on the fat. Like we said -- experiment with the carb loading to find your own specific ideal carbo load duration.

      How and Why a High-Fat/Low-Carb Diet Works

      Don't for a minute think you have to know "everything" about nutrition to use this diet. If you grasp all the basics, and follow the guideline I outlined, you're going to get big and ripped. It will happen without you knowing how or why -- kind of like osmosis or something. That's a promise. Consequently, the technical twiddle that follows is not required reading. Still, it's nice to know everything. After all, you never know when you will be asked to appear on Jeopardy. Hey, it could happen. Not only that, but the better you understand this diet, the more motivated you're going to be to use it.

      With that being said, let's delve into the chemistry of how and why this diet works. During Phase 1, as you carb deplete, your pancreas stops secreting insulin, and instead, starts to secrete the exact opposite hormone, glucagon. Although insulin is a very powerful anabolic hormone, it is also very fat producing. This explains why Type II Diabetics (people whose pancreas secretes abnormal, excessive amounts of insulin due to impaired insulin receptor sensitivity) are usually more muscular, and at the same time fatter than non-Type II Diabetics. Insulin also retards the release of HGH (Human Growth Hormone). As many of you are aware, HGH is one of the body's most powerful anabolic (muscle building) and lipolytic (fat burning) hormones. Consequently, by eating a high-carb diet, which increases the secretion of insulin, you actually work to inhibit fat loss and muscle mass acquisition! On the other hand, Glucagon is a very powerful lipolytic hormone, which also coaxes the body to produce more HGH. You may have heard of professional bodybuilders resorting to using Glucagon injections to accelerate fat loss, and increase HGH secretion. Although Glucagon injections are effective, such a practice can be dangerous. The question arises: Is there a way to increase Glucagon secretion to accelerate fat loss and increase HGH secretion without resorting to potentially dangerous injections? Yes, and the answer lies in ketosis! As you carb deplete, your blood glucose levels plummet. After blood glucose levels dip below a certain threshold, the pancreas will curtail insulin secretion, and instead start secreting glucagon! And you know what that means -- more HGH and more bodyfat utilization, which translates into more lean muscle mass.

      Hey! It gets better. Not only is HGH and lipolaset increased, testosterone production is also increased. During the five days that you consume even more amounts of cholesterol (from eggs, fat, and red meat), your body will secrete optimal amounts of testosterone. Why? Because cholesterol, fat, and red meat are very important precursors to testosterone production. Both testosterone and cholesterol share nearly identical chemical structures. In other words, there seems to be a high relationship between testosterone production and fat consumption. Often true vegans (those that eschew all animal products) make poor athletes. A current theory may be their impaired testosterone production is due to inadequate cholesterol, fat, and red meat intake. Again, eat fat and you'll get massively muscular.

      Oh, yeah! The LEAN part! Understand that on conventional low-fat/high-carb diets, all of the lipolytic (fat burning) enzymes shut down, and all the lipogenic (fat producing) hormones rev up, as the body tries to store bodyfat to safeguard against future times of famine. Essentially, your body becomes very adept at getting fat! On high-fat/low-carb diets, the exact opposite phenomenon occurs. Believe it or not, the body becomes quiet adept at ridding itself of bodyfat! All of the lipolytic enzymes rev back up, while the lipogenic enzymes start to shut down! As amazing as this seems, by eating more fat, your body becomes less fat!

      Many critics of high-fat ketosis diets argue that carbohydrates are crucial to bodybuilders because of their protein-sharing, or "anti-catabolic" effect. They argue that carbs inhibit muscle breakdown because the body will use carbs for energy instead of cannibalizing muscle tissue. Although this is true, realize that fats have an even greater anti-catabolic, muscle-sparing effect! Research has consistently proved that humans ingesting high-fat diets lose much less muscle mass than those consuming high-carb diets when injected with corticosteroids (medications which destroy, or "catabolize" muscle tissue)! As athletes train, an ongoing war continually exists between the anabolic (muscle building) and catabolic (muscle destroying) hormones released during exercise. The goal in athletics is to tip the scales in favor of the anabolic hormones, while simultaneously downplaying the effects of all the catabolic hormones. The main catabolic hormone guilty of robbing many bodybuilders of progress is cortisol. High levels of cortisol impede directly the production of testosterone in the testicles. In addition, all factors that encourage a release of growth hormone are reduced in their effect by cortisol. Obviously, the lower the cortisol level, the better it is for the athlete. Although it is impossible for the body to remain cortisol free, its effect can be fairly well controlled by proper nutrition and rest. As previously indicated, a high-fat diet inhibits the muscle destroying effects of cortisol and keeps the body in an anabolic state. Not only does an actual anti-catabolic effect occur through dietary fat's ability to blunt cortisol uptake, but it also brings about another anti-catabolic effect?a.k.a. "protein sparing," or "anti-proteolytic". In short, the diet forces the body to utilize fat (both ingested dietary fat, as well as bodyfat) to supply itself for energy instead of muscle tissue! Through ketosis, as your body becomes more and more adept at utilizing fats for energy, you force your body to burn body fat while sparing muscle tissue! You end up actually building muscle, and losing body fat while under ketosis!

      On conventional carbohydrate-based diets, insulin is released after carbohydrate ingestion, and then carbs are converted into glucose. Glucose then fuels the body. During ketosis, since carbs are not available, glucagon is instead released, and dietary fats are converted into ketones. Ketones then take over all of glucose's functions, with one important distinction -- excess glucose over and above metabolic requirements can and will be stored as body fat. However, excess ketones over and above metabolic requirements are simply excreted in the urine! Realize that it is metabolically impossible for the body to store ingested dietary fat as bodyfat in the absence of carbohydrates -- this is the principle of the phenomenon of ketosis. In a nutshell, no carbs -- no stored fat.

      Ketosis: To ensure that you are in a state of ketosis, you may want to go to the drugstore and purchase Ketostix. As long as you are in ketosis, you know that you will be burning bodyfat! These Ketostix are small, tan-colored paper strips which will turn purple as you urinate on them if ketones are present. These ketostix indicate the presence of unburned ketones. Ketones over and above your metabolic requirements that are simply excreted in the urine rather than stored as bodyfat! Note, however, that if you are in a pre-contest dieting phase, these Ketostix may not turn purple as all the ketones in the body are most likely being used by your body, and none are available to be excreted in the urine (remember, Ketostix merely indicate the presence of excess ketones which have been excreted in the urine).

      Now that I've covered what happens hormonally through the weekdays (Phase 1), let's talk about the hormonal cascade that occurs during the weekends (Phase 2). During the weekdays, insulin secretion is curtailed, while insulin receptor sites in the body increase their sensitivity. Come the weekend, as you reverse gears from carb depletion to carb loading, your pancreas quits secreting glucagon, and instead secretes tremendous amounts of insulin. Because of the body's increased insulin sensitivity, compounded by the body's hyper-secretion of insulin, a phenomenon known as "carbohydrate loading" occurs. Muscles become engorged with glycogen, water, and nutrients. Bodybuilders engage in carb loading before a contest because of its obvious cosmetic effects -- a dramatic muscle fullness and roundness. Strength athletes and long distance runners engage in carb loading before a meet because of its athletic advantages -- an increased muscular strength and endurance due to the muscles being supersaturated with the aforementioned glycogen, water, and nutrients. On top of that, there is a growth effect from continually depleting (through the five weekdays of ketosis) and supersaturating (through the weekends of carb loading) the muscles with glycogen week in and week out on this diet. You may have heard testimonials from bodybuilders who swear that they put on the most mass after they've competed in a contest. Why is that? Going into a contest, they've depleted their bodies of nutrients for weeks to get shredded. After the contest, as they pig out and vent their dietary frustrations that plagued them for all the weeks leading up to the contest, their bodies overcompensate, flood their bodies with nutrients, and switch gears from a catabolic (pre-contest dieting) state to a very anabolic (off-season bulking) state.

      Now think about something -- most bodybuilders compete in only one contest a year. Think about this diet as competing in a contest every week! Think about the amount of growth that could be accomplished by duplicating this depletion/over recompensation cycle for each and every week of the year!

      Remember how I said to consider the weekdays as your "cutting" days, and the weekends as your "bulking" days? Remember how I said that during the weekdays, dieting to lose bodyfat wouldn't be too difficult because of a high-fat/low-carb diet is more satiating than a high-carb/low-fat diet? Well, on the weekends, your "bulking" phase will be enhanced by an exponentially increased appetite! As you carb load on the weekends, you may experience the hypoglycemic induced hunger that was curtailed on the weekdays of carb depletion. The result is that you won't have to worry about trying to eat enough high-carb foods to replicate the "carbohydrate loading" effect on the weekends! Don't worry, your appetite will take care of itself! Not only that, but high-carb foods are digested faster than high-fat foods! On the weekends, you may find that you can eat twice as many meals per day than on the weekdays. The net effect is that this "carbo-loading" effect will become easier than you thought!

      If that's not enough to convince you to go on this diet, let's talk about the most powerful ergogen known to man -- IGF1 (Insulin Like Growth Factor #1). As of mankind's current scientific knowledge, IGF1 is the most powerful anabolic hormone responsible for muscle mass acquisition in humans. However, current industrial prices of IGF1 would cost a bodybuilder literally thousands of dollars a day to use the dosages that were used in research. Well, if using IGF1 is prohibitively expensive, is there another method that professional bodybuilders are using to flood the body with IGF1? Yes, and this cutting-edge state-of-the-art bodybuilding ultra-secret stack consists of a combination of HGH, testosterone, and insulin injections. Research has indicated that nearly all of the growth effects of HGH come not from the HGH itself, but from HGH's ability to coax the liver into producing more IGF1. Testosterone is then added to this pharmaceutical cocktail because HGH needs an androgenic environment to instill its fullest anabolic effect. Insulin is then used concomitantly with HGH, as the insulin exponentially increases the half-life of IGF1 by increasing the half-life of IGFBP3 (Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein #3). Without IGFBP3, the half-life of IGF1 is only a few minutes. When bound to IGFBP3, the half-life of IGF1 is 16 hours.

      Insulin also magnifies the anabolic potential of testosterone by decreasing levels of SHBG ("Sex Hormone Binding Globulin"). SHBG is a protein which "binds" to testosterone, disallowing testosterone to exhibit its intended anabolic properties. Only the "free" form of testosterone is metabolically active. During this diet, HGH (and thus IGF1) and testosterone levels are elevated through the five weekdays of ketosis. As the dieter changes from carb depleting to carb loading on the weekend, the body senses this drastic change as a metabolic shock, and even more testosterone and HGH (and thus even more IGF1) are released in addition to the hyper-secretion of insulin. This works to prolong the activity of IGF1, and magnify the anabolic properties of testosterone!

      There you have it! By simply manipulating the diet, you coax the body into replicating the most powerful hormonal stack used by current professional bodybuilders! No wonder this diet results in such extreme muscle mass acquisition and bizarre fat loss! Now don't get your hopes up too high... although this diet ensures maximal endogenous production of these crucial muscle building hormones, the dramatic results seen by strength athletes resorting to injections of these compounds will realistically not be replicable on this diet. However, the advantage is that you won't suffer any of the dramatic side effects of those medications! I honestly feel that this diet is a genuine "steroid alternative." By maximally coaxing the body's own internal muscle building hormones through dietary manipulation, bodybuilders can be satisfied with a level of progress far surpassing conventional high-carb/low-fat diets, without having to resort to playing a pharmaceutical game of Russian Roulette with dangerous drugs like anabolic steroids.

      Cautionary Note: You must not go above 30 grams of carbs a day for 5 to 6 full solid days as the body must remain in ketosis during this required period. Do not think that because you can eat all the carbs you want for 24 to 48 hours every week that you can ?occasionally? cheat beyond 30 grams a day during the 5 to 6 required days of ketosis. You can?t! If you do, you will get fat. So by all means do not cheat! It is also a good idea to get a carbohydrate counter book and make sure that everything you put into your mouth for the day accrues to less than 30 grams per day during the ketosis.


      Most experts in the field of nutrition recommend Nathan Pritikin's diet plan, which is basically a high protein, high fiber, and low fat diet. Most athletes also use this type of diet plan. The reason for that is because most athletes and nutritionists are not that familiar with the Iron Cycle? diet. With more and more research coming out supporting the Iron Cycle? diet I believe this trend will change in the near future. As mentioned I have used both diets with excellent success.

      Anyway, in addition to alleviating fat from your diet, Pritikin suggests that you eliminate salts, stimulants, sugar, flour, hydrogenated fats, hot spices, alcohol, charcoal-broiled foods and foods containing additives or preservatives and a partridge in a pear tree. Don't panic! It sounds like everything but it really isn't. On the other hand, try to increase the consumption of fresh fruit, vegetables and whole-grain cereals. A multi-vitamin supplement might also be taken when appropriate amounts of calcium and iron are taken as determined by your age and sex. Most serious athletes who use this diet plan consume approximately 60 to 75% carbohydrates, 15 to 25% protein, and 5 to 10% fat. This differs considerably from the 40 to 55% carbohydrates, 10 to 15% protein, and 35 to 40% fat that the average American consumes. Of course, have you ever really looked at the average American - Gumby looks better.


      At one time most Europeans felt that if you were as big as an elephant you could lift one. Consequently they would force feed their athletes in order to put on as much weight as possible. They were not necessarily worried about gaining muscle just mass. If they gained a lot of fat they didn't care just as long as they got BIG. Again their belief was to lift big you have to be big.

      Well that type of thinking has changed drastically over the last two decades. If you look at most of the European super heavy weights today they are relatively lean. Sure they are big but their size is comprised of muscle not fat. The reason for the radical change in philosophy is because they have found that fat will actually decrease strength. In other words they found a direct relationship between strength and muscle mass not between strength and body mass. A major difference. Why is fat a disadvantage to ultimate strength? Simple, because fat lacks contractile power, and in fact limits the contractility of the muscle. Consequently if you are carrying a lot of body fat you might want to lose it before bulking up. If that is the case I have an excellent diet plan for you. One that will help you burn fat without sacrificing muscle and strength. Basically it is the same type of low fat, high protein diet that I am going to tell you about later to build mass. The only real difference is the daily caloric requirement.

      If you plan to use this diet to burn fat start off by multiplying your body weight by 15 if you are a male and 13 if you are a female. This will give you your daily caloric intake or DCI. For example: A 200 pound male would consume 3000 (200x15=3000) each day for the first three weeks of the diet. Once you establish your DCI divide it by 6. This will give you the number of calories you will consume during each meal. (200x15=3000 ~6=333). You will eat every two and half to three hours, for a total of six meals. It is a good idea to use your training manual to record your calories through out the day.

      In order to determine the number of grams of protein you will need to eat per meal, multiply your body weight by 1.25 and then divide by 6. For example a 200 pound male would need 42 grams of protein each meal (200x1.25=250grams ~6=42 grams). Consuming this much protein will require that you to drink a large quantity of water. To determine how much water you need multiply your body weight by .66. This will give you the minimum amount of water you will need to drink daily. For instance our 200 pound male would need 132 ounces of water each day-approximately one-gallon. Once you've done all of the math follow this diet plan or the next three weeks. At the beginning of the fourth week decrease your DCI by 200 calories. These calories should be decreased equally from each meal and should come only from your carbohydrates. Keep your fat and protein consumption the same. This will be your DCI for the next three weeks. At the beginning of the seventh week decrease your DCI by another 200 calories. Again the calories should come from you carbohydrates, not your protein or fat. Follow this diet plan for the next three weeks. At the beginning of your tenth week again reduce your carbohydrates by 200 calories. This will be your DCI for the remaining three weeks; at which time you will be significantly leaner-that's a promise.

      Note also that if you are going to use the Iron Cycle? diet to drop weight and/or "cut-up" you will do basically the same thing. In order to ascertain your DCI multiply your bodyweight by 15. Then divide that total by 6 to determine the calories you will consume during each meal. Now here is the difference. Ninety percent of the calories you consume per meal should come from proteins and fats. The other ten- percent will come from carbohydrates. As with the low fat diet every three weeks, for a period of 12 weeks, decrease your caloric intake by 200 calories.

      Unlike the low fat diet though these calories should come from fats and proteins. NOT carbohydrates! Once again, because of the large fat and protein consumption you will need to drink plenty of water. The formula is the same as before-multiply your bodyweight by.66 to determine the minimum amount of water you will need to drink each day.


      If you are satisfied with your body fat to muscle ratio you might want to add more lean muscle mass to your frame. If that's your goal you can use either diet to achieve it. The math for both diets is exactly the same. The only difference is that the calories you add with the low fat diet come from carbohydrates, while the calories you add with the Iron Cycle? diet come from fats and proteins. Again, simply multiply your body weight by 20 to get you DCI. Next divide by 6 to get the number of calories you will eat during each meal. For instance, a 200 pound male would consume 666 calories each meal (200x20=4000 ~6=666) On the first two days of your diet eat this number of calories during each meal. On the next two days add another 300 calories (50 calories per meal). Then every two days change back and forth. By fluctuating the number of calories you consume every two days you will keep your body from entering into an energy preservation mode. Of course as you increase your lean muscle mass you will have to increase your caloric intake. To do this, simply increase your DCI by 20 calories for every pound you put on.

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      nice post bro

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      I was wondering if a diet like this would work for me, I am about 6'1 160 so I am pretty skinny but I am not really that cut up I have a few small gut(really looking to get a sixpack). So would something like this help me bulk up while not gaining too much extra weight at the same time.

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      I'm not a sponsor for this diet, but I can tell you it definitely works. The fat is what you use for energy. BE sure to exercise otherwise I would regard it as unhealthy. Some days I felt tired because of the ketosis that's when I would get down some carbs. While bulking you might gain a little fat, but it's the fasted way to reach your goal. I used a weight gainer while on the diet so the extra pounds could be from that. This diet helps with gettig a good anabolic diet together.

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      Do you find that this type of a diet works better for men than women? I've used it in the past, but I don't remember loosing much of body fat, just water, mind you, I was not working out at that time. Also, what about the post workout carb drink, I guess that would not be appropriate being on this porgram because it would kick you out of ketosis?
      What do you think?

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      Wow angel, those are some difficult questions. For this program to work properly it has to be used in conjuction with strenuous exercise. IMO I think the diet has it's valid points if anything adjust it to fit your personnal needs. I use whey protien before and after I workout.

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      • New Bulk/Cut Diet
      • New Bulk/Cut Diet

      • New Bulk/Cut Diet
      • New Bulk/Cut Diet
      • New Bulk/Cut Diet
      • New Bulk/Cut Diet
      • New Bulk/Cut Diet
      • New Bulk/Cut Diet
      This is BodyOpus/CKD sorta...

      Good reads bookwise, if thats your thing , are

      Dan Duchaines-Body Opus
      Lyle Mcdonalds- The Ketogenic Diet

      I have done it for 8 weeks or so, and dropped about 40 pounds, I started it up again last month but went for 2 weeks and sprained my ankle so I had to stop, dropped almost 20 pounds in 2 weeks, granted it was mostly water, sugar and shit....but that number would have steadily decreased I garuntee.

      I am starting a cycle, and doing a TKD, which is pretty much the same as the above, only the 2 day carb up is switched for a daily carb up pre and post work out, so you never really binge for 2 days at a time.

      The whole crux of the diet is working out. If you don't deplete your muscle glycogen and stuff your face for 2 days, there is no supercompensation, which is your body shuttling any trace of carbs right into your muscle...so you are pretty much just dieting for 5 days and pigging out for 2.

      Here's a good link to supplement this post. Mind you the board is just for dieting and any sorta illegal or taboo things like steriods is not tolerated there. Ephedrine is as hardcore as it gets, but the diet information is still good.


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