Quote Originally Posted by dirtwarrior View Post
My diet sux. I do know BP is better when I use 99mg potassium. That is less than 1% daily requirement. I think mine was low cause of the water pill. My BP is great now where it was a little high
pottasium does improve bp. you are much better off getting it from food though. stan efferning (sp) has a ton of great videos on youtube about doing different concoctions of food and stuff to increase it and lower bp. one of the ones he does that i personally like to do is you freeze a big bag of baby spinach up. you grab 2 big handfuls or more and stuff it in a ninja or vitamixer cup. add in a cup or a little less of water or oj and blend it up. once it is blended up put in a little more spinach and do it again. then drink it 2-3 times per day.. that and red potatoes or purple potatoes have a ton of pottasium in them. they will lower and help lower your bp. you also need to make sure the doc is checking your sodium with blood work as well as other electrolytes. lasix is no freaking joke and if you let them get out of balance you will get a heart cramp and die. so bp wont even matter anymore