Quote Originally Posted by jipped genes View Post
Bro, I would say drink only water or green tea and eat super clean. No sugar, no trans or processed fats or foods. Lots of greens, organic berries like blueberries and or raspberries. Lean meat and fish. Foods with a lot of fiber and nutrients like sweet potatoes (Also take metamucil, acts like a broom for your digestive tract) Your body detoxes itself.

cruciferous veggies like cabbage, brussels sprouts, broc, kale ect.

Avocados have lots of great stuff, nutrient dense and with a bunch of healthy fat and fiber

green tea with ginger A 2007 study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention found that a green tea concentrate boosted production of detoxification enzymes, which play a key role in cancer prevention.
A 2013 research review published in the International Journal of Preventive Medicine found that ginger protects against oxidative stress, has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects, and offers a wealth of antioxidants.

Lemon water yeah you get some vitamin c and such from the lemon but mostly it encourages you to drink more water. At least for me it does

colorful veggies Spinach (On of the few organic products I buy) carrots, beets (they are really good for you but taste terrible I buy beet powder)

Lastly I take NAC and a curcumin supp. Both really help the body get rid of trash. I do not take but should tudca, which is really great for the liver.

You can do all those flushes and such but if you do just 2 weeks of eating super clean and get a varied veggie diet with lots of water and green tea w/ ginger I pet you loose 2-3 lbs of fat and feel better than you have in ages.

Lots of the "flushes" are people looking for an easy route. but in BB we know you got to put in work. Same with your body's garbage system. I have seen people drink a bunch of olive oil and lemon juice for your gallbladder then they crap out green balls and say look it worked. It is just clabbered olive oil. Gallstones are tiny.

Try it bro, I promise you will feel way better for it.
How much green tea do you drink daily? Any preference on brand?