TweetOh yeah, keto will rip off fat if you stay with it 100%.
Most people say it does not work but they eat 50/50 protein/fat. Should be minimum 30/70. That is a LOT of fat. But when you do and you hit ketosis, fat melts off. I am lean already and can loose 10 lbs in 2 weeks (much of it water but 4 lbs of fat, after you loose the water it is just fat coming off)
To make it easier to get through the keto flu.
1. Exogenous ketones (EK)
2. Keto Electrolytes (KE)
3. Medium chain triglycerides (MCT)
EK helps get you into ketosis faster and keeps you optimal. The KE help your body cope with the loss of minerals and such and you will feel way better. MCTs are fats not easily stored in the body and provide an alternative source of fuel than carbs. They help get your body used to burning fat as fuel.
Example meal for me.
Breakfast 2 eggs and buttered coffee with MCT.
Lunch Good for 2-3 days worth 1 smashed avocado, 1 can tuna in olive oil, add 3 tbl spoons MCT or olive oil and a lot of mayo (I like chipotle mayo) tablespoon mustard, salt and pepper. Wrap in a lettuce leaf and I eat a couple dill pickle spears with it.
Dinner Look for keto casserole recipes. I use a lot of ground beef, broccoli and cauliflower sour creams, whipping cream, cheese and such.
Main thing. DO NOT FEAR THE FAT! MINIMUM 70% for this to work and less than 5% incidental carbs from veggies and such. I take my EK 10 minutes before training. Gives a big boost. Cardio is king for this but weights work too.
I use this for cutting 1-2 times a year with great success.