Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
google the bodybuilder meals services man. stan rhino efferning(sp) has some killer monster mash meals that are fantastic and not bad priced. i would say make them yourself and save a few bucks but you said you dont have that skill haha. look at his stuff though it is bad ass and can be customized to you specifically and most companies dont really do that
I will check out his meals, I used icon meals before and they did custom work but the food wasn't that great. I am not trying to replace every meal with a meal prep service just my lunch at work and maybe an extra meal sometime during the day, the rest of my meals can be home made, I have been eating so much fast food man and I'm trying to just be healthier at this point I'm destroying my body.

I am trying to approach this a little differently then before, I have some struggles I'm fighting through and I have tried so many different plans and diets and I can't stick with it when I spend the time cooking myself. The food is dry and bland lol.

I don't need a bodybuilding style meal plan right now honestly I just need lean healthy meals. I have no been working out or eating well at all, I've lost all my muscle and got like really fat. If I try to dive head first into a full meal prep/plan and workout routine I know I won't follow through so I'm trying to set everything up so that I have the least amount of hassle or reasons to stop as possible at least until I can get myself back in it if thats even possible.