so since i have been aging a tad little bit and been in the body building game for over 2 decades now i have never had issues with my lipids bouncing back after a hard run. so some back info. normally i could run a heavy cycle with a high level of cals for 20 or more weeks. my lipids would obviously climb up to about 250s total cholesterol hdl would go down into the 30s and all the other numbers would get high as well. nothing crazy high but still high. well after those runs in about 4 weeks or so as long as i was doing cardio and diet was staying clean it would level back out to normal. not the case at all this year. i have been having a hell of a time getting them back down to normal with the normal approaches i have used in the past. not to mention i eat much cleaner and have been doing cardio all year long. so at 292 at the peak of this year, my lipids jumped up but my bp stayed good. so i added in nialor at a friend's suggestion because i dont even want to be on a low dose statin unless i absolutely have to. so this is what the journey so far has looked like:

this is my first bw after getting to the peak

total cholesterol 251
hdl 31
trigs 92
ldl 199
non hdl 220

after going the traditional route to correct:

total cholesterol 208
hdl 44
trigs 83
ldl 145
non hdl 164

after my first few weeks of max dose nialor and not even completing the first bottle (you are supposed to take both bottles for max benefit)

total cholesterol 171
hdl 40
trigs 65
ldl 115
non hdl 131

so that's how i am looking right now. i am about to finish up the first bottle this week and i have bloods sched with my regular doc in a few weeks. so i have no choice on waiting to finish up the second bottle. i will redo them again at that point though. anyone that is having issues with their cholesterol and or running hard and heavy needs to take a look at this stuff. it works much better than trying to go the old fashioned route like i was trying to do