Simply Put… The Importance of Hormones and The Glands That Control Them


Our endocrine system is much more complex than testosterone and estrogen that most of us think of when we hear “hormones”.

Hormones control –

Thirst and hunger
Body temperature
Food metabolism
Much, much more


Hormones are excreted by our endocrine glands. They message and control our circulatory, reproductive, muscular and every other system in our body.

The Endocrine System is made up of the following glands -
The testicles (men)
The ovaries (female)
The pituitary
The thyroid
The adrenal
The pancreas
The parathyroid
And more….

I will go over a couple glands and their main functions.

Testicles – Production of testosterone, and sperm (Male sex hormones)

Ovaries – Production of progesterone and estrogen (Female sex hormones)
Parathyroid – 4 glands at the base of the neck. Primarily control the body’s calcium levels.

Hypothalamus – Located just above the brain stem. Controls hunger, temperature, sex drive, mood, and thirst.

Thymus – Only active until puberty after that it shrinks up and is replaced by fat. Located between the lungs aids in the production of T-Cells to help fight disease.

Pineal - Aids in sleep and quality by producing melatonin. Also maintains the bodys circadian rhythm.

Adrenal – Located at the top of each kidney. Controls the body’s “fight or flight” stress hormone. AKA cortisol and epinephrine.

Pituitary – The bodys master gland. Located at the base of the brain below the hypothalamus. Produces growth hormone and controls other glands.

Thyroid – Found at the base of the Adam’s Apple. Converts iodine to T3 and T4 which maintain our metabolism.

Pancreas – Located behind the stomach. Produces insulin, which in turn helps control blood sugar levels.

