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    Thread: My diet

    1. #1
      chemicallyengineered's Avatar
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      I have had quite a few people ask about my diet. I wish I could tell you I weigh my food and it's x,y and z for protein carbs and fat but I don't. My general strategy is most of my carbs surround my workout. Mynmorning shake has 40gms protein, 60 carbs. My preworkout has another 50gms of carbs and my during workout has 24gms of protein plus 50-75gms carbs depending on body part trained and how I feel. Post workout tends to be chicken or red meat over pasta or a deli sandwich with some chips and Gatorade. Lunch will rotate between only protein, mostly protein but some carbs and a heavier carb meal(sometimes the same as the post workout). Dinner tends to be meat and a potatoe. Most protein sources for me are steak, chopped meat, chicken, fish and pork. I do love sweets but I've been pretty good lately with not having them. I can tell you I immediately notice a difference in my skin fold if I do have a shitty weekend if eating. I do love pizza and will have it a few times a week. Another favorite post workout meal is Red Baron pepperoni pizza. During the day I tend to drink Gatorade and some water. At night we drink crystal light to cut down on night time carbs.
      I know mid people couldn't get lean on this diet but I have a very physical job and I tend to work 9-10hr days so I know that helps.
      My cardio consists of a twelve minute warmup around 3.5mph and post workout 15-20min from 3.2-3.6 mph. I know it's nothing, imagine if I actually did some hiit cardio? Since I've always been a skinnier guy/not a huge appetite, I've tried to conserve my calories for recovery.

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    2. #2
      jipped genes's Avatar
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      hey sounds like you have it dialed in for you. that is all we can ask for. sure we can always do better but weighing food is tedious and i think you got it right. keep up the good work
      "SHIAT BIOTCH, thats a big ass!"

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