I've been trying out these two herbal medicines Kava and Kratom. I suffer from ptsd, anxiety and a sometimes severe pain issues. Kava is used to relax the mind for anxiety and Kratom is a mild opiate for pain and muscle relaxant. I'm not posting this so you can go order this and try to get high, they are not even strong enough to really do that. I've been through the getting injured and haveing to get off pain meds and these things can help ease pin without running the risk of relapsing when you hurt to much to need pain medicine. So here is my review of these herbs.

Kava- The part of this plant that you want is the roots only! The root has the kavalactones in it which is the active ingredient, the stems and leaves of the plant are liver toxic which you of course want to avoid, the root is also but not as much as the rest of the plant. Its best to order it online in a powder or cap form, the only ones you will find in a supplement store that are strong enough to help anxiety will be extracts with the whole plant used in the solution. I consumed a 50mg cap first, waited an hour and felt the same, so took 2 more. It did make me very very nauseated, so I took some pepto bismuth to calm that down. It started to work finally and my thoughts were not racing so much and was able to calm down got a very restful sleep

Kratom- This plant comes in a powered or cap form as well. WARNING: this does have opiates in it but they are different from that in a poppy plant and pain meds. It has a ceiling effect so you can not take enough to become very intoxicated or have withdrawls after taking it. I still do not recommend it if you have just recently stopped taking opiates, I don't know for sure but I think it could be possible for it to cause cravings if you took it soon after coming off meds. This tasts very bad and needs to be washed down with juice and take something for a belly ache as well. You can not take it everyday, it will stop working and you shouldnt anyway. I consume 10 grams on days I'm hurting extremely bad, it will not completely kill all pain but it helps make it manageable without resorting to stronger opiates. It also helps with the anxeity so it a 2 in one deal, but I would not take it late at night as it gives you a bit of energy and I would not take either of these herbs at the same time or with other medications that can slow down your breathing or heart rate.

Please do not try to go get high on these things. I'm telling you this to try to help avoid putting yourself in danger of relapsing when you are in need of help.That being said, these have helped me considerably from time to time and I feel right about taking it because they are not strong enough to make you all doped up like when you have to take medications.

Please use these correctly if you think they could help you and don't make me regret posting this!