Wait keep reading lol its not like it sounds I promise. I drink one every day almost. If you have a blender get these ingredients:

2 small tin cans of CHUNK LIGHT tuna. Do NOT use albacore it ruins it. I get the bumblebee light ones with two servings per can.

1 frozen medium banana

2 tablespoons of natty peanut butter (or more to add calories)

1 tablespoon of honey

1 cup of milk. I use vanilla almond milk but regular 2% is awesome too

That's it. Blend em up for a few minutes until it becomes like a thick liquid and drink it. I know it sounds disgusting and I stumbled upon the recipe and it took me weeks to gather the balls to try it but trust me you don't taste the tuna at all. Maybe a slight hint sometimes but the peanut butter overpowers it. Nutrition info looks like this:

Cals: 595
Protein: 53grams
Carbs: 40grams
Fat: 20.5 grams

But you can add a bunch of different stuff to bring any of those numbers up. Throw in some whey, oats, coconut oil etc and its a mass gainer shake for cheap and its delicious. Unless you don't like peanut butter lol also those macros an cals are what it comes out to if you use almond milk 30 calorie kind so obviously if you're using whole or skin cow milk those numbers go up. Try it out let me know what you think.