Post traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a psychiatric condition that often arises after an individual witnesses or is involved in a life-threatening event such as a disaster, rape or violent assault. Children and adults experiencing PTSD can relive the terrifying experience through nightmares, flashbacks and behavioral disorders including insomnia, crying and depression. They may feel estranged or detached from familiar surroundings, family members, friends and pets. In many cases PTSD can be so severe as to interfere profoundly with people's daily life.

PTSD is not new, being known by other names such as battle fatigue, shell shock, survivor's guilt, and traumatic neurosis. Regardless of it's name, the disorder is defined by a set of symptoms such as hypervigilance, being easily startled, anxiety, irritability, cognitive dysfunction, anger, mood changes, fearfulness, numbness, inability to experience joy or pleasure, loss of memory and avoiding areas associated with the trauma. Natural remedies can help ease symptoms and support an individual through their healing process to recovery.


Homeopathic remedies have been shown to have a profound effect on children and adults suffering from PTSD, according to Dr. Edward Shalts, former vice president of the National Center of Homeopathy. The psychiatric diagnosis of PTSD requires that one or more of the above symptoms be present for more than one month after the traumatic event. For initial trauma treatment of shock, ailments from fright and grief, see my article on Natural News here: Natural health news

Homeopathic remedies for PTSD

Stramonium is effective for nightmares and night terrors, especially when the child is afraid to be left alone in the dark. Helpful for anxiety disorders after experiencing violence; experiences anguish, fear, sleeplessness and imagines they are surrounded by danger.

Mancinella helps children especially -- and battered women -- or anyone who has the feeling of being under the control of another or some outside entity, like aliens or the devil.

Gelsemium quells anticipatory fears that something bad will happen in the future. The child often feels weak, with heavy eyelids, occipital headache and may have diarrhea.

Staphysagria helps children and adults deal with nightmares after violence. People needing Staphysagria feel powerless and unable to defend themselves. They're often perceived as being very sweet; but, are unable to deal with grief or anger, suppressing it until they erupt in outbursts of rage.

Chamomilla brings a sense of calmness to children who have experienced severe trauma and then become hyper-vigilant and hypersensitive. They may complain of stomach aches and be overly sensitive to noise and music. Being gently rocked often brings relief.

Herbal remedies for PTSD

Certain herbs are known for their ability to relieve stress, anxiety and other feelings, which may be covered under the scope of PTSD symptoms.

Hops eases stress, nervousness and restlessness. It's useful for the treatment of anxiety disorders, insomnia and pain. Hops is anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory and has sedative properties, making it an excellent herb for muscle spasms.

Green tea strengthens the immune system helping those suffering from PTSD to resist acute illnesses and long-term disease states.

Valerian promotes calmness and relaxation. Helpful in cases of insomnia, anxiety and grief.

Rhodiola provides antioxidant support relieving oxidative stress on the body's immune and lymphatic system.

Holy basil supports the adrenal glands, protecting them from the stress of surviving a violent, traumatic event.

Stinging nettle strengthens the adrenals helping to inhibit the production of adrenalin, a hormone that's released when an individual is under stress or in shock.

Learn more: Treat PTSD in adults and children with natural remedies, homeopathy and herbs