I was in the field this week and i hurt my left arm, i cant remember how lol but then my tri gets whaled on but some equipment that broke loose while doing tactical movements in the howitzer, we got back thursday night. so friday evening i was at the gym doing chest and some triceps and my arms were like super pumped, which i thought, i didnt take any preworkout or NO product but then i started feeling like crap, had shortness of breath and nausea and then my chest started hurting, so i was ok im going home to rest. woke up the next day, i still felt like crap but it wasnt as bad. i went to walmart and i could barely walk from the parking lot to the store, then i was getting scared cuz i had no clue what was going on, felt like i was having a heart attack, so i went to the ER and told them what was up, they hooked me up with a EKG, took chest xrays and tested my blood pressure and took a vial of my blood. EKG was good, heart beat was good, xrays was fine and blood pressure was good, and then they gave me a baby aspirin and one of those nitroglycerine pills and that took the pressure offer my check and gave me a massage fking head ache. blood test came back and loads of muscle enzymes in it, Dr told me that it released loads of toxins in my blood causing all my symptoms. Told me to take a month or so off from working out til i healed. I researched alot of it and came up with the same crap as the the dr said and some that didnt. what do you guys think? and really a month or so off?