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  • Vegan fast food: 33 plant-based options
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    Thread: Vegan fast food: 33 plant-based options

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      Default Vegan fast food: 33 plant-based options

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      • Vegan fast food: 33 plant-based options

      • Vegan fast food: 33 plant-based options
      • Vegan fast food: 33 plant-based options
      • Vegan fast food: 33 plant-based options
      • Vegan fast food: 33 plant-based options
      • Vegan fast food: 33 plant-based options
      • Vegan fast food: 33 plant-based options
      With interest in veganism on the rise, there are now more plant-based food options available in fast food restaurants than ever before. Learn about 33 of them here.

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      Default Re: Vegan fast food: 33 plant-based options

      Vegan fast food: 33 plant-based options
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      Default Re: Vegan fast food: 33 plant-based options

      I have been curious about trying it just wondering how it would make my body feel? I wouldn't going around claiming I was a vegan though, only because I am not a big fan of labels
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      Default Re: Vegan fast food: 33 plant-based options

      Quote Originally Posted by BABY1 View Post
      I have been curious about trying it just wondering how it would make my body feel? I wouldn't going around claiming I was a vegan though, only because I am not a big fan of labels
      I did a vegan diet for 2 months last year. Best I ever felt. My energy levels were off the charts but I couldnt stop the urge of a pepperoni pizza and now Im totally back to eating meat, eggs and cheese and all that other garbage lol Did you see that movie "the game changers"?

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      Default Re: Vegan fast food: 33 plant-based options

      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      I did a vegan diet for 2 months last year. Best I ever felt. My energy levels were off the charts but I couldnt stop the urge of a pepperoni pizza and now Im totally back to eating meat, eggs and cheese and all that other garbage lol Did you see that movie "the game changers"?
      meat and eggs are not garbage brother. Clean diet with both you will be healthier than a vegan. Also much of "game changers" has been de-bunked as vegan propaganda.

      We are not meant to eat just plant matter. In a western diet we do tend to eat WAY too much meat and not enough veggies. THAT is where the disparity comes from. Not the meat or eggs. I train with high level amateur fighters and sometimes pros come in for sparring/seminars ect. They are all looking for an edge, any edge because every small edge adds up. Many of them say they tried vegan/vegetarian and every one I met says they went back to meat and eggs and feel better. They must clean up their diet and get rid of pizza and burgers and that stuff.

      OVEREATING of meat and dairy can cause problems. Never tried vegan honestly though.

      Debunking the Game Changers with Joe Rogan | Chris Kresser
      "SHIAT BIOTCH, thats a big ass!"

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    6. #6
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      Default Re: Vegan fast food: 33 plant-based options

      Vegan fast food: 33 plant-based options
      Quote Originally Posted by jipped genes View Post
      meat and eggs are not garbage brother. Clean diet with both you will be healthier than a vegan. Also much of "game changers" has been de-bunked as vegan propaganda.

      We are not meant to eat just plant matter. In a western diet we do tend to eat WAY too much meat and not enough veggies. THAT is where the disparity comes from. Not the meat or eggs. I train with high level amateur fighters and sometimes pros come in for sparring/seminars ect. They are all looking for an edge, any edge because every small edge adds up. Many of them say they tried vegan/vegetarian and every one I met says they went back to meat and eggs and feel better. They must clean up their diet and get rid of pizza and burgers and that stuff.

      OVEREATING of meat and dairy can cause problems. Never tried vegan honestly though.

      Debunking the Game Changers with Joe Rogan | Chris Kresser
      Vegan propaganda? lol Your opinion. You think the Dotsie Bausch story is fake? How can you fake that? And there are many other stories just like it.

      Heres a 4 hour debate over a 2 hour movie. LOL...we could debate this all day with no agreement. From a strictly disease prevention standpoint, a review of pubmed on the subject leads to an overwhelming body of scientific evidence supporting PBWF diet for the reversal and prevention of heart disease & inflammatory marker mitigation & reversal of type 2 diabetes. You can also find research on diet/longevity of the loma linda 7th day adventists, the blue zone studies, Okinawa study, the ornish study, the china study, etc etc.

      As for the prevention & reversal of CAD, heart attack and stroke, there is far more supporting evidence for pbhf than any other diet. It's not even close. The older you get, and you see your friends dropping dead of heart attacks, the more concerned you become.

      The biggest reason for going to a PBHF diet, at least for me-BETTER BONERS. There is no doubt whatsoever to this fact. Any dude who ever went PBWF will tell you this. It is so noticeable that It makes me wonder how I ever went back to eating meat and that aint no shit. So if I was going to pick only one reason to go pbhf then harder and prolonged serious boners would be it. Thats important. At least for me.

      "Host Joe Rogan described Wilks' performance as 'fantastic' - even saying he was considering removing the episode in which Kresser criticized the film.

      Speaking at the end of the podcast, Rogan said he'd felt it would have been a 'waste of time' to have Wilks in the studio during Kresser's debunking, then added: "But I also felt it [would be] unfair to not have you come in and explain and refute his debunking. And I think you did a fantastic job."

    7. #7
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      Default Re: Vegan fast food: 33 plant-based options

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      • Vegan fast food: 33 plant-based options
      • Vegan fast food: 33 plant-based options

      • Vegan fast food: 33 plant-based options
      • Vegan fast food: 33 plant-based options
      • Vegan fast food: 33 plant-based options
      • Vegan fast food: 33 plant-based options
      • Vegan fast food: 33 plant-based options
      • Vegan fast food: 33 plant-based options
      i believe in moderation as key to good living.. no doubt there are positives with an all plant based diet and i do think some of the dishes are fantastic im not giving up that hamburger or pizza just yet either..

      i do put effort into finding good meals that are without meat but it is far and few between still.. kinda like how 20 years ago all health food kinda sucked and now theres a ton of good options out there. i expect in the years to come many more excellent options will be around to enjoy. food like everything else will evolve slowly as to our taste buds i suppose..

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