cancer is like a muscle it grows from amino acids the building blocks of proteins. so its kinda a no brainer that meat can help grow cancer. but cancer doesn't get there from meat. usually an outlying source like smoking or drinking or taking liver toxic orals... so simply put proteins just cause cancer to spread. but now lets look at this in another point of view. lets add very strong alkaline inducing greens into our body to reverse the acidic environment cancer loves to grow in. by blending strong greens and adding in power greens powders we can produce an environment cancer can no longer survive in with or with out high protein intake. now if you already have cancer then yes obviously dropping proteins out can help get rid of cancer faster but if you don't have cancer consuming reg amounts of meat as usual can continue. I strongly recommend anyone on a high protein diet no matter what to consume greens in powder and blended forms as it can help muscle growth by promoting cleansing of blood and alkalinization in the body. the body loves alkaline for fat loss and muscle growth!
hope that bit of info was of help!