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    Thread: using protein

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      Did you know that the most common meal timing advice for bodybuilders might actually be suppressing your most powerful “growth factor” — the hormone insulin?

      And did you know that professional bodybuilders actually inject themselves with insulin to speed up muscle growth?

      Did you know that the same meal timing mistake prevents you from absorbing 100% of the crucial amino acids from the expensive proteins you eat, slowing down your muscle gain?

      Did you know there are 3 simple steps that fix this meal timing problem? Just follow the 3 steps below and your insulin levels will skyrocket exactly when you need it most, instantly turning you hyper-anabolic, maximizing your protein uptake, and adding slabs of rapid new muscle growth.

      This isn’t just a theory. I've used it to help dozens of athletes and physique competitors build impressive slabs of new muscle. And I’ve also personally competed in natural bodybuilding shows, and even worked as a professional wrestler.

      I know what it takes to get up on stage. And it’s not just about the muscle. You also have to be lean if you want that ripped look that makes your muscle appear even BIGGER.

      And that’s why I had to start from scratch, ignore the bro-science and muscle nutrition myths that weren’t working for me or my clients, and create the nutrition system I show you on the next page.

      You could say it’s the only “fat loss” diet in the industry that actually accelerates muscle growth. So if you’d like to be huge and ripped, read on. The 3 “unknown” steps I reveal below will transform your muscle cells into powerful growth engines, letting you lift bigger and grow faster.

      These 3 steps reveal the things you absolutely MUST AVOID if you want to accelerate LEAN muscle growth and instantly improve your performance in the gym.


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      STEP #1
      AVOID This Insulin Sensitivity Trap
      (and store MORE muscle glycogen)

      If your muscle cells are more sensitive to insulin, you’re going to pull more nutrients, glucose and other growth factors into your cells. And that means you'll add mass faster.

      But what if the modern meal structure promoted by most muscle growth experts actually suppresses insulin sensitivity right when you need it most? What if there was a better way to increase insulin sensitivity and accelerate muscle growth after a workout?

      Well that’s exactly what research published in the Journal of Applied Physiology would suggest. Researches found that the typical "6 small meals per day" structure resulted in a WORSE metabolic status, indicating muscle growth would likely be slower.

      Instead, when these scientists shifted the study subjects to a meal structure that was closer to how our ancestors ate, their insulin sensitivity increased along with whole body glucose uptake and overall fat burning. In other words, these dudes got leaner and bigger!

      So what does this “evolutionary” meal structure look like? Basically, these guys would eat very little during the day as they hunted their food, and then dig into a huge feast at night.

      Why does this work for modern muscle freaks? The fasting period during the day is all about burning fat. Then late day workout nutrition is about being anti-catabolic. Finally, the evening feast is about going hyper-anabolic and triggering insane muscle growth.

      And in case you missed it, this style of eating, which I show you in detail on the next page, actually makes you leaner and bigger at the same time!


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      STEP #2
      STOP This Protein Timing Mistake
      ("pulse" for better protein synthesis)

      Conventional bodybuilding wisdom tells you to spread your protein out over the entire day. And to be honest, it seems like pretty logical advice.

      But digging up countless studies allowed me to discover a better way. There’s a growing pile of research that shows “protein pulsing” leads to better muscle growth and retention.

      This is similar to the fasting / feasting structure we talked about earlier. Instead of eating several small meals per day, you eat the same number of calories condensed into only 2 or 3 meals. And again, it’s proving to be superior for gaining muscle — especially when you get older.

      Timing seems to matter as much as pulsing, though. And there’s evidence demonstrating that the BEST time to eat those big pulses of protein if you want faster muscle growth is at night.

      Here's why. A large dose of protein at night triggers protein synthesis, provides the raw ingredients to repair damaged tissue from your workout, and helps you build lean muscle mass while you sleep.

      Also, the evening pulse of amino acids in your large evening dose of protein COMBINED with the natural rise in growth hormone at night can work together to create a hyper-anabolic environment.

      But scientific studies are one thing and real life results are something else. So try it for yourself. If you do it right — the way I show you in the system on the next page — then pulsing your daily protein in 2-3 large feedings late in the day will actually make you LEANER as you pack on new muscle.


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      STEP #3
      DON’T Waste This Powerful
      Growth Stimulus
      (maximize your ANABOLIC rebound)

      Have you ever heard of anabolic rebound?

      It’s easy to do, and it's so incredibly effective that I’m surprised everyone isn’t using it.

      And if you’re using the strategies I showed you in the 2 previous steps, your anabolic rebound will actually happen naturally.

      You see, 2010 research in the Journal of Physiology finally proved what I’ve known for a long time — that training in the fasted or semi-fasted state makes you jacked. Here’s why…

      Working out is catabolic. Recovery and compensation after your workout is anabolic. It leads to growth. Training in a fasted state magnifies the effects of both phases. Although you’re more catabolic during your workout, you end up hyper-anabolic in the recovery period.

      But to make it work you must truly FEAST after your workout. And of course that’s totally in line with the other two steps to creating a hyper-anabolic muscle growth environment that we talked about here. Just make sure you do your workout late in the day to take advantage of it.

      Be careful though. Usually that kind of late day feasting would also pile on loads of body fat. But not if you’re following the unique nutrition strategy I show you on the next page.

      When you combine my fast / feast structure with the specific macronutrient ratios for accelerated muscle growth, you can actually get huge and ripped at the same time.

      The cool thing is, whether you want to get lean fast, pack on mass in record time, or gradually replace fat with muscle, the EXACT same meal timing strategy applies. All you have to do is modify your nutrient and calorie numbers to hit your precise goal. And I show you exactly how to do it in my Feast Your Fat Away system on the next page.

      Don’t let the name fool you. I’ve personally used this exact same system to pack on slabs of muscle for photo shoots and bodybuilding shows. And I use it with all the clients I’ve helped to build new muscle over the past 12 years in my San Francisco personal training studio.

      But wait a sec...


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      You May NOT Be Qualified To Use This Nutrition Strategy On Your Body
      Over the years, I’ve discovered that only certain types of people can use the Feast Your Fat Away strategy to both gain muscle and lose fat. After studying the guys who failed to get results, I created the following questions.

      Are you scared to experiment with new techniques to grow more muscle? Would you rather stick to your current nutrition plan, despite slow gains? Are you fine with the traditional bulking and cutting cycles, and willing to put up with either being fat or being huge, but never both at the same time? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then the unique and groundbreaking nutrition system on the next page may not be for you.

      But if you’d like to discover a diet that gets you shredded and huge without worrying about dragging around tupperware containers everywhere you go — and without stressing about food all the time — just click the “Next Page” button below. I’ll tell you everything you need to know about using BIG evening meals to pump your muscle cells full of growth enhancing nutrients while putting the fun back into food…

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