Hey guys, I'm excited to have newly joined the forum!

I am an up and coming bodybuilder, 24 years old... I have done a few test cycles, have found some bunk gear and have had some very good gear.
I have messed around with some other things such as prohormones, dbol, and some natural test booting supplements.

My diet is pretty clean, all I eat is chicken broccoli and rice 3 times a day lol... breakfast is eggs, oats, and asparagus. I do get cravings and I have one hell of a sweet tooth so you can find me snacking on ice cream or cookies at any time of the day between meals. I'll often do a protein shake with milk before bed to get a 5th meal in...

I've been lifting for about 4 years, other than that this is pretty much all I know about bodybuilding.

Just started a 14 week cycle of:

Week 1-4
Letrozole 2.5mg daily in the AM
Dbol 20mg daily (10mg in the AM /10mg in the PM)
Test P 100mg 3x/week
NPP 100mg 3x/week

Week 5-10 (the only change here for these weeks is the Test and NPP go up 50mg/day)
Letrozole 2.5mg daily in the AM
Dbol 20mg daily (10mg in the AM /10mg in the PM)
Test P 150mg 3x/week
NPP 150mg 3x/week

Week 11-14 (all numbers go back and mimic weeks 1-4, in my head it makes sense to cycle down... also note the clomid as PCT)
Letrozole 2.5mg daily in the AM
Dbol 20mg daily (10mg in the AM /10mg in the PM)
Test P 100mg 3x/week
NPP 100mg 3x/week
Clomid 100mg/day from weeks 13-14. Weeks 15-17 dose lowers to 50mg/day

This is my intro!
