Hey FitnessGear. New guy intro here. I see some familiar names here like Mountain Man amd Thudgens. You all know me as EMW14 from a different board. Iron-Game referred me here.

I'm 48; been on TRT for 5 or so years, maybe 6. I supplement that a little bit with other things, mainly Masteron.

I'm 5-10; 200lbs; roughly 10%bf. First started training in high school; won or placed top 3 in a few teen BB contests in the late 80's. Also play ice hockey and am into motorcycles. American motorcycles. I hear there is some other motorcycle company that starts with "H", but can't think of it right now..... LOL! Used to be really into hot rods and race cars but haven't been involved in that scene in years. That interest is coming back...

I see there's something for just about every interest here.

Gonna try to help out where I can and learn some things as well.