Well Hello Again, Ladies/Gentlemen!

I just wanted to quickly post-up and re-introduce myself. I have spent a lot of time away with my father and sister as of late and its time I take care of me as well.

For anyone that doesn't know me, I've been on boards since I was damn near a teenager (I'm 34 now). I grew up on these forums, I learned everything starting with BOP, which I only mention because it led me here - home. If you are ever unsure of where "home" is for you, let me briefly describe FG:

-You guys/gals supported me when my mother passed a couple years back and it was honestly more thoughtfulness and love than I received at home. - yeah, its mushy but damnit thats ok lol
-Rake and Trixie: you two gave me the best damn bday celebration when we got to watch the Patriots pull the superbowl out of their ass (again), front-and-center, in our own La-Z-Boys while everyone else watched from a line @ Aria. I still talk about that day to my coworkers.
-Baby and Fuzo have often extended their hand if I am ever in their neck of the woods
-Gusto and DZone would often reach out and say hello

I could go on-and-on - my point is that I need to contribute and not be selfish with all the knowledge and support I've received from this place. I felt a re-introduction was in order lol And yes we meatheads can be sentimental and appreciative as well - and then in the next sentence I can go off and rant about some fat guy sitting butt-ass naked on a bench in the locker room, pre-shower, and doesn't wipe up his nasty ass-sweat (pun intended).

Anything I can do, anything someone needs, just ask. Great to be back