Hello All,

Just joined so I figured I'd introduce myself. Standard story of a man who spent a couple decades working out and playing sports until about 10 years ago where family and career took me away. Got back into fitness and lifting in late 2015 when I realized I wasn't my regular dynamic self so I had my hormone levels checked to realize I had low test (237). I then went to my 'in-network- endo who wouldn't give me test saying that my levels were supposed to be that low at my age and I neded to accept it.

Yeah right.

I then kept working out, altering diet, and sought self-treatment which I found through another great group of brothers and sisters at another forum where I am heavily involved daily. in 12/2015 got my weight down from a very soft 253 lbs to a leaner 218 lbs then started working to build. Recently, I was told about this forum from a friend matt so I joined and here I am.

Currently, 43 yrs old
bf around 18%
242 lbs
lift 4/6 times week and currently coming to the last few weeks of my 'summer cycle'
ED 100 tren A/50 mast p/50 test p/ 50 var

Recently my job has increased my responsibility X2 so I may find myself working out in hotel gyms 5/6 times peer month.

Hello all, I plan on doing my best to be a useful contributer to the board.