Hey family, it's been a long time since I logged on here. The last three years have been a self made nightmare, all by my own doing. It took being homeless on the streets of NY to realize how good life truly is. I'm finally clean and sober, in a fairly long term program,12-18mnths and now am able to start school in a month or so for my personal trainer cert and physical rehab. I've missed out on alot of things such as a few passings both on the boards and personally.I'd like to start coming on here and a few other boards as well just to keep myself grounded and if for anything else to brush up on many things I've forgotten. I truly want this, sobriety, this time. I've now got 7mnths clean and yes, all in a row lol. Dethklok if you see this post please hit me up via pm or text me. I pm'd you with a new but temporary number...roc.