Muscle Research
Thursday Weekly Sale

It's another week and another sale!!! B-DROL is on sale... Formerly known as B3@$TDROL but never to be called this again thanks to another un-named company with better lawyers than B-DROL it is!!! At most dosages, B-DROL users can expect moderate gains of lean muscle mass and strength, increased muscle hardness, enhanced recovery, more intensive workouts and a slight decrease in body fat. B-DROL users should not expect rapid increases in size or weight with this compound since water retention is very minimal, or in some cases, non-existent. However, this advantage makes the gains from B-DROL fairly easy to maintain post cycle and reduces the chances of unwanted side effects.

Yo-Whey is also on sale for $19.99 BUT WAIT...did you know there are 5 ways to get Yo-Whey for FREE!

-with purchase of Xtreme Joint Support (at regular price)
-with purchase of Test Infusion (at regular price)
-with purchase of Katanadrol v3.0 (at regular price)
-with purchase of Anovar-X Extreme (at regular price)

-OR with CART TOTAL OVER $100!!!

You can combine or stack these options to get a total of 5 free bags of Yo-Whey protein with your purchase. Qualifying products must be purchased at regular price with no coupons...while supplies last!!!

Also Alpha Pro Nutrition UPLOAD PWO is on sale AND get a free set of Lifting Straps with purchase of any Alpha Pro Nutrition Supplement during this month at supplies last!!!

Last we have Dragon Override PWO...a cutting-edge concentrated pre-workout formula for $29.99!!!

And don't forget...ALWAYS FREE SHIPPING!!!

Your good Brother of Iron!!!
MA and the Muscle Research Team