As always, here are my thoughts on this week's sale:

Muscle Research Katanadrol:

This is a fantastic sale for one of the best cutting compounds out there. What most people do with Katanadrol is dose it at 3 or 4 caps instead, so the bottle runs out a bit quicker. So this savings is actually multiplied over several bottles and really adds up. Since it’s a non-methylated product, you can run it for longer and it’s not unreasonable at all to run for 8 weeks. As Spring has sprung and Summer looms closer and closer, it’s the perfect time to cut up. I’d grab a couple Katanadrols and a bottle of Combustion (also on sale) and really dial it in. Tons of other great products in the Mr. Supps store to make for a great stack.

Muscle Research Whey Isolate Bundle:

This is my go-to isolate and has been ever since MR brought it out. However, the two new flavor releases got me super excited and I snagged them the second they landed. Here's what I had to say about them:

There has been talk of these coming for a while and they are now live on the store!

I was thrilled when MR released their own whey isolate and both the vanilla and chocolate flavors are very good. I've reviewed them in detail, but the vanilla is very subtle and easy to drink all the time. The chocolate is also subtle and reminds me very much of the flavor of an instant hot cocoa mix (think Swiss Miss). I only mix mine in water because I use these exclusively post-workout and they taste good in just water. I haven't tried these (save for one exception, and I'll get to that) in milk, but I would imagine it makes them even tastier and similar to the taste of a blended protein.

Anyway, vanilla has been my go-to for more than a few months. I managed to burn myself out on the chocolate even though it's very good. So the release of cinnamon bun and strawberry came at a great time. I ordered the 3-bag bundle because you can't beat that pricing and went for 2 bags of CB and one of SB (betting on the CB being good enough to warrant 2 bags).

The first one I used was obviously Cinnamon Bun. I tossed my scoops into an empty pre-workout container (the size of the Diablo tub -- I clean those out and use them to take my protein to the gym in my gym bag instead of hauling around the whole bag or screwing around with ziplocks -- it works very well). Anyway, after my workout, I went to the water fountain and filled it with about 1 oz of water, then dumped the powder in, then added more water on top. Put the lid on, shook it up, and it mixed just as well as all the others and what you'd hope for in an isolate -- not very thick and no clumping.

Cinnamon Bun is not heavy in the flavor, but seems a tad bit stronger than the vanilla to me. It has definitely leapt out to my favorite spot in the lineup. Very glad I grabbed 2 bags. It reminds you almost a bit of the spice flavor you get in the Pumpkin Spice Yo Whey, but it's different.

My first try was Saturday morning after the gym. After I got home, I went ahead and mowed before we had to head out of town for a friend's birthday dinner. So I showered real quick and needed to eat something but didn't want to really eat much, but also wanted to get some protein in. So, If figured for the sake of taste-testing, I went ahead and dropped 2 scoops of the strawberry whey isolate into my shaker with some vanilla CarbMaster milk.

It tastes exactly as you would hope a strawberry would. It's funny; I just sampled another company's strawberry a couple months ago and it was the first time I'd had strawberry protein in years (not since grad school, I don't think). It's odd how strong the taste is. So I'm not sure if it was because of the vanilla milk or just because it's strawberry, but I would say that strawberry has the strongest taste of the 4. I'll update when I have a chance to use it in water, but it's very good for a strawberry.

Both are great pick-ups and I think they present some mixability options, too (cinnamon bun + vanilla, vanilla + strawberry, etc.).
The price on this bundle (6 lbs.) for a good isolate -- that tastes great, no less -- is hard to beat (just remember that is FREE shipping to your door included in the price -- I mention that because other deals may look better at first glance, but rarely will shipping be your friend like it is with Muscle Research).

VPX Medivin:

Medivin has been my go-to multi ever since Muscle Research started carrying it. I previously used Orange Triad or NOW ADAM (both great, btw). I really like the extra in this, like the higher dose of D3, the EPA/DHA, etc. And just like the Power Chews, these are awesome for travel. They’re like the little GNC packs – a full serving is in an individual packet, so you can toss those in when traveling for work, going on vacation, or just leaving for a simple evening away. This is the type of thing where I would sometimes purchase an entire year’s worth of product at a time since I’d buy it anyway and then this way it’s at a discount (that multiplies with each extra one you purchase). Stock up on your multi. One of the most important supplements you can take. And I love just opening one pack instead of opening 10 different pill bottles.

Premium Powders Keto Burn:

Another one of my favorites. I actually really like Keto Burn as part of PCT to keep the cortisol at bay and fat-burning effects going as long as possible. You can dose it at 3 caps a day (2 AM, 1 PM) and get a full month out of it or just go 1 AM and 1 PM an get 45 days! I absolutely love this product and enjoy it every time I run it. Great pick-up at this price. I've been using it for the past couple weeks at 2 caps upon rising and that's it; an occasional 3rd cap mid-day if I don't workout and need a slight boost. Lasts a good long while and is just enough energy to start the morning off.

Power Chews:

I have professed my love of Power Chews many, many times. They are super convenient and very tasty. The BCAA and Glutamine chews are solid for travel snacks. The creatine chews help break up the routine of always having a powder (which I generally love, but a break is nice on occasion). Same goes for the pre-workout chews. Now, D-Test is just an awesome combo of DAA and LCLT. And not just that, but they have a special “bull berry” flavor that is the best of all of them. Seriously. A great PCT or just natural strength product. But in general, Power Chews are great if you’re in contest prep or cutting and still want something sweet. When you travel, it’s just one small tub you toss in instead of bigger ones or measuring out powders in bags, extra pills, etc. And the BCAA chews are fantastic for at-work snacks or when you’re driving. This is a steal of a price for any of these.