Muscle Research
Thursday Sale!!!

One acronym for you...BOGO!!! That is right Buy One Get One FREE!!!

These our humble opinion...the best sales you can have!!! This week we have some deals on some awesome products!!!

First up is Transform FORGED MHO Poppers! This is a supplement that does it all: increase test, block estrogen, increase androgen levels, build lean muscle, and melt away fat. It may sound too good to be true, but we have the blood work to prove it! We had independent volunteers run cycles with MHO Poppers, and we have posted the results on our store site!!!

Check out the video of Tyler D in his MR T...

Next we have Premium Powders N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC)...which is a more stable and bioavailable form of Cysteine, which is a valuable amino acid, and has been highly researched for its extensive health benefits. The most well known benefits would be its liver support and mental clarity benefits.

Also Dragon Override...a cutting-edge concentrated pre-workout formula. A small dosage delivers a big, powerful energy and pump! The ingredients in Dragon Override may support increased performance and promote fast muscle pumps, extreme energy, and focus while providing the most intense workouts of your life.

We also kept our Whey Isolate Bundle on sale for you for another week!!! We understand that without protein it is difficult to build muscle, so you can still grab 6lbs for $79.99!!!

Finally this week you get a BONUS!!! It appears there was a typo with the Glutamine supplement on for $25.99 you can have either Premium Powders OR Powerchews Glutamine!!! Take your pick at a discount this week!!!

And don't forget...ALWAYS FREE SHIPPING!!!

Your good Brother of Iron!!!
MA and the Muscle Research Team