What a workout. Damn fine day in the gym today!


Incline DB Press 4 x 8-10 W/70, 80, 90, 100
Hammer Incline Machine 4 x 8 with 45, 55, 70, 80
*this is what it kinda looks like*

Land Mines: 4 x 12-15 with 105lbs + bar weight
Pec Dec Flyes: 4 x 15 with 220lbs


Dips: 5 x 8-12 W/BW (nice and slow)
DB Overhead Ext: 3x10-12 W/70, 70, 80
Rev Grip Press Downs: 4 x 20 with 70lbs (older machine so weight is heavier)
Press Downs: 4 x 12-15 W/80lbs


Hammer Shoulder Press 3 x 15 with 135, 135, 185, 225x8, 225x8
Side Delt Raise Machine: 4x20 with 100lbs

Simple basic but VERY intense workout today. I felt the best that i have in months. Strength and endurance are way up now and Pump Juice really does a great job!