Thursday was a crap day in the gym for me but my peeps were still telling me how happy I looked. Go figure felt like Frown face all work out but got it in. Here it was:


Chest and Shoulders

Bench Press 45x25x3 wide, narrow, regular
Spider walks w/ red band 2 min x 2
Pullovers 30x20x3
Dumbbell shrugs 20x20x3
Fly Machine 40, 55, 70x12each
Reverse pec deck 25, 40, 55x12each
Slant Board side-to-side oblique crunches 20x2
Roller work
Decline Bench Press 45x25x3, wide, narrow, regular
Did 7 reps no weight and skipped the rest Smith Machine BH no weight
Chest Press machine 79x12x3

Seated Calf raises 300x20x3
SKIP Lateral Raise machine right shoulder wont work
Mini Circuit
Skipped, my rt side lower back needs adjustment Standing Calf raises 180x20x3
Cable Chest 10x30x3, 20 mid, 20 low, 20 high each time.

I skipped a bunch of shoulder stuff and still put in more work than anyone else I saw at the gym that day.

love to all