Yesterday was chest and biceps!

Without going much into it my T levels are low right now on purpose so I'm relying heavily on mr supps amino Hd and pump juice extreme for quality training sessions. And chests and bi's were nothing short of amazing.

First thing I notice off the bat usually is a noticeable increase in sweat. Which I love! Within the first few sets even my first two warm ups I break a sweat. And that's usually when we start kicken!

Second thing I love is the quality of focus I have throughout my hour of training, it's intense and extremely helpful!

Lastly the pump and endurance!! By far my favorite part of Pump juice!!

I feel the motivation the drive the endurance and the pump the whole
time to the extreme! Every lift is quality and I can feel my contractions very well with my pump.

So far I'm giving 10/10

I hate pre workouts, strongly!! They all are the same to me and all make me sick, but this one is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!

I love the stim free aspect! No shaky jittery anything!
Thank you guys, I look forward to my next back session and I'll report back after!