i apologize for the poor quality. these were taken with an old polaroid camera and scanned in. the lights are too bright and i'm too white but its the best i can do right now.

long story short, 1992: 20 years old: 125lbs. 5% bodyfat, 12" arms, 10" calves, 34" chest.

best i ever got was 180lbs, 10% bodyfat, 15" arms and calves, 40" chest. i have no pics of this, my famous words at the time were, " i'll take them later on, not like i'm going to lose my gains. "

training went downhill and got to 200lbs, 26% bodyfat. ever saw a fat ectomorph? it aint pretty!!!!!!

then got down to 160lbs, 15% bodyfat. had lost almost all of my previous gains.

the 2003 pics: 172lbs, 14.5% bodyfat, 14" arms and calves, 38.75" chest.

i'm slowly making my way back to where i was. so looking forward to the coming year to see what i can accomplish!!!!