Yo!!!! SOmething stinks here, someone has logged in, using My name(sniperdeath) posting sick posts on some of girls here, causing me, the real sniperdeath, to recieve warnings on being banned and stuff like that , however, i'm not the villain here, but some sicko *****-ass-c*ck-sucking kids,:2gunsfiri who also uses this computer, which by the way is on 24/7, so all they gotta do is hit "back" on the browser to rech this site with my login already entered. i've tried to shut down every retrievable trace leading here, but u now them youngsters, always one step ahead of us old people, lol. well anyways, To any girl who recieved such shit, please note that The real Sniperdeath is NOT responsible for that shit, all i can say is it's a damned shame....

keep on smiling......