Here's a picture of me and my girlfriend from this past weekend. I should have some better pictures later in the week that were taken while floating down the Guadalupe River in New Braunfels, TX.

I am feeling small looking at this picture now, but stats as of now are...

22 years old
6' 2"
218 lbs
Not sure what my BF% is, but its more than I am happy with. Fat is only covering some of my abs and lower back at the moment.

I've been back in the gym for about 3 months now after being out due to injuries and general B.S. for a little over a year. About a year and a half ago I was only at 180-185. My plans are to get up to about 235-240 or so and then cut down as low as I can and still be able to maintain the bf%. I'll try to get some better pictures up that will show my upper body this week. Just thought I'd at least put a picture up for now. Although my face looks a little bloated in this picture in my opinion.