Quote Originally Posted by crazed View Post
I know I am newer on here and I don't want to sound like a d*ck or stir up a bunch of sh*t but...
what's up with only a small percentage of members having a picture of themselves in their avatar? I've been off boards for years now but those were the good ol days in my opinion (for many reasons). Most members at least had their pic for their avatar and a lot of members would post their pics in threads excited about their progress. I have always liked the saying "practice what you preach". People claiming they are this or that, 300lbs, 5%bf, 22" arms, blah, blah. It's all talk and can be complete bullsh*t a lot of the time. I remember when I started in the game and was on boards and looking up to the guys that had the best physiques on the board. I would listen to what they said assuming they really knew what they were talking about. It's like personal trainers who are fat. Sorry but I'm not listening to you if you can't apply it yourself you lazy ass. Anyone can copy and paste stuff on boards without knowing much of anything, or make up a complete bs persona (Under-Radar, classic member from way back in the day on boards). Now I'm nothing special but at least I have the balls to post a pic in my avatar of what I actually look like. People who don't post pics have something to hide in my opinion. Say what you want, think I am out of line, tell me to get fckd and go to another board then; whatever. I'm sure true VIP members who have been in the game a long time can relate to how it used to be and what I am talking about.
Pics are in my thread brother. I understand what your saying. Most are full of shit. Avatar is a way to express yourself. I enjoy seeing the different avatars I feel it gives a glimpse into their personality. Nothing wrong with calling a guy out if done respectfully.

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