Originally posted by mcsetechjl
Looks good form what we can see hehe who is your photographer?

Could you increase the resolution on the digital camera? or scanner when scanning, so we can see those wonderful abs clearer?

Also some close ups of those abs would be sweet, the size limit here stinks for pics, but its nesasarry Im sure to reserve bandwith and server space.

640X480 should be good, some black and whites would be nice, you look like you would look very good in some black and white shots.

U should think about some fitness modeling once your at your goal, you have a solid foundation.

Id love to see some clear res pics of you anyone else?. Keep up the good work your doing wonderful!

I don't know what it is about that damn digital camera but, sometimes the pics come out very clear and then sometimes they are blurry as hell. I'll take more soon!!