Quote Originally Posted by GotClen View Post
What is your prep guy telling you to do about the primo? You got to listen to the man you have put all your faith in.

Let us know how he does tomorrow. Saturday 9th.

I am on a Canadian private site with a few national comp guys.

No my prep guy...him and I tied a deal 2 weeks ago, it is official that he is prepping me.
But he has only split my routines differently, and has me on 7000 cal intake---quick acting carbs mostly.
He wants me at 240lbs...I am currently 238lbs. I suspect in a few days I will hit 240 or so.

But he has not been in depth with me just yet...as I want him to handle his show first, then take care of me with full advice.

I have never used primo in the past, but was looking into advice given.

Yes GotClen at the end of the day, when my guy is ready, he will be all I will listen to day and night.
I will post follow ups and progress on here often.

I am exited, if you were to look at this guy last 2 shows, he is incredibly defined. He is probably around 5'8 or 5'9 off season 250-260 from what I have seen him at.

I just saw 3 of his clients who are competing, one of them lightheavy...and holy fck he will bring home big trophy for sure. VERY good conditioing.
Yes his show is tomorrow....