Heres the info on my 4th and back to basics type of cycle
1-10 T Prop @ 525mg/wk EOD injects
pct and thats it just basic similar to my first one I did just prop 350mg/wk ED injects. That was by far my favorite cycle and I just think Prop is the shiot. Should be good Im slated for a Feb. 17th start and running until Apr. 27. Ive lost alot since my last cycle because I got out of lifting after losing my job (stupid way to vent my anger) so Ive been in the gym naturally since august and havent put on a single pound. Sucks but my schedule makes it tough since when I lost my job I had to go back to college so I go to school all day then work 3-11 M-F. Now nxt semester is less clases and I plan to get back up to 200lbs again.