today starts the day of my diet. I had been on a bulker for the last 3 months and now it's time to shed some of this fat. I will be on t3 for 5 weeks clen 2 on 1 off 2 on along with 250 mg of test/week. At the end of this i will be going into the rest of my cycle which looks like this
400mg test e/week 1-12
350mg tren e/week 1-12
60mg tbol/day 1-12
50mg winni/day 9-12(maybe)
I already have my food cooked and ready for about the first three weeks maybe more,not all of it cooked of course. Right now im 6'2" 283 pounds with unknown bf. Looking to drop about 20 scale pounds and really harden up. ill try and keep this updated by the week maybe more and let you guys know how things go.