My second cycle is about go commence, I've been off for 5 months and my blood work is pretty close to immaculate.

My last cycle was test e/prop,drol, and d-bol

stats: 195 @ 8%, I am 5'8''

What im running

1-6 Masteron E @ 300mg - 6-12 Masteron E 450mg
1-6 Test E @ 450mg 6-12 Test E @ 650mg

These are fairly low doses and I like to keep them that way.

Goal: I'll expect to hit 210 or so @ peak of the cycle but understand its mostly water and hope to keep 200 @ about a low 7% would be my ultimate goal for the summer!

My diet is good... only high Gi carbs I eat is PWO and of course the cheat meals are high as hell! I will continually increase the protein and probably a tiny bit of carbs as the cycle goes on. I will adjust my diet accordingly. getting enough protein,carbs and fats e/d is no problem.

training: ive started a 5x5 routine last week. Will be doing a few variations of it and might switch back to DC or who knows!! Either way you can gurantee my training will be on .

heres the supps i will be on

fish oil
milk thistle
flax seed oil
aged kyolic garlic
multi mineral/vitamin
i'll probably get some red yeast rice too add in too
i use green tea on workout days.

I took my shot today.. I'll be updating probably 1-2x a week.

p.s. i homebrewed my gear, i'll take some pics of myself mid cycle and end cycle