It's been almost a week since I started the D-bol now, but nothing too significant has happened. My endurance is up a little, but no ridiculous strength gains yet. What I have noticed, however, is that I feel relatively no soreness after my workouts.

I've trained natural for almost 6 years now and have almost always been sore 2 days after training a muscle. However, since I started the d-bol, I feel almost nothing the next day. I feel as if I could train chest 2 days in a row, although I obviously wouldn't do that.

My weight is up 3-4 pounds but is obviously only water. My muscles do look significantly larger, especially my chest and traps, which are quite swollen. Oh, and the pumps during the workouts have been pretty intense. I trained tris today and pushed them hard (like I usually do), but they felt like they were going to explode at the end of my workout.

... I'll keep posting updates as changes occur.