I began my IGF today. I will be using the following method.

20mcg morning and 20mcg before afternoon workout. 5 days per week.

My stats are:
218lb 5’9” 9-10%bf

My entire cycle will be as follows
Wk 1-4
Enant 1200mg/wk
Dbol 50mg/day
Deca 750mg/wk
IGF 40mcg/day

Wk 5-8
Enant 1200mg/wk
Dbol 50mg/wk
Deca 750mg/wk
Slin 10ius’ 2x/day

Wk 9-12
Enant 1200mg/wk
Deca 750mg/wk

Wk 13-16
Prop 600mg/wk
Fina 75mg/eod
Winny 50mg/eod
IGF 40mcg/day
Clen 120mcg/day 2weeks on 1 week off

Wk 17-20
Prop 600mg/wk
Fina 75mg/ed
Winny 50mg/eod
Clen 120mcg/day 2weeks on 1 week off

Wk 21-24
Prop 600mg/wk
Fina 75mg/ed
Winny 50mg/ed
IGF 40mcg/day
Clen 120mcg/day 2weeks on 1 week off

Liquidex .5mg/day
HCG 500ius every sat and sun

I’m sure I’ll do a couple of changes throughout, but basically that’s the base.