I'm in my 4th shot (2 shots/wk):

QV Enanthate - 2c's wk
QV EQ - 2 c's wk
Just started Nolvadex - will continue throughout at 20mg/day unless something changes my mind.

I haven't been in the gym for the past year straight for various excuses and reasons. I got sick the other day and just last night in the gym, I felt as though pumps came a tad easier than usual (enough to make note of).
So, here I am posting a day later and I decide to get on the scale.
Yep.......I'm up 7lbs
So, obviously I'm feeling very mentally positive now.

I'm 31 and I know my body's gains and loses extremely well....... with my thin/lean genetics (6ft @ 165 100% natural, and no gym) gaining 7lbs doesn't occur without reason

This is a very early update.....I cant wait to see where I'll be in 4 weeks!!!!

Very short sickness....gains coming already.....so far, QV is okay :p