Yesterday was back and chest.
Got in about an hr of work.
Did 1 chest exercise than immediately followed that up with a back exercise. That is one set. Doing 3 sets of each
Started off with
standard pushups. 20 ,20,20
pulldowns behind my neck. (Wide grip)15,15,15

Military pushups 15,15,15
Pulldowns to chest(wide grip)15,15,15

Use my black bands
Performed an incline press 15 x3
Pullups hold (3sec)for a nice stretch 15,12,12

Lawnmowers(one arm rows) 12x3
Decline pushups. Feet on back of chair 12 x3
These felt a little odd with my shoulder. So took it easy.

Seated rows 15 x3
Diamonds 12 x 3

High rows 15x3
Chest Flyes (bands) 15x 3
Only managed to get in 3 miles total last night. Had a lot of problems at work. Going to hit abs as we speak.. Update later.