Thank you to Narrow Labs for allowing me to try/review these products. I am a HUGE fan of CBD and GW501516. I was so excited to try these 2 products out as I trust Narrow Labs quality.

CBD: I started taking this about a week ago, 2 caps in the am and 2 caps pm before bed. What i have noticed most of all is a feeling of calm. I co-own 2 small business' and things can get hectic. But this CBD has really impressed me with the calming feeling.

I have experienced a good deal of pain relief as well. I will be 52 the end of November so I have accumulated my fair share of aches and pains from life in general but especially from my weight training. I have a lot of arthritis in my neck from a car accident in 94, my L5/S1 had surgery as well so from neck to butt bone I hurt. But I am experiencing a great deal of relief from my aches and pains now. So far I am VERY impressed.


The 2nd item I will be getting is GW501516


I have used other brands of this before but I was never overly impressed, so I am anxious to see how the Narrow Labs brand works.

Stay tuned!