Quote Originally Posted by biggerben69 View Post
My first cycle ever was 10 amps of omnadren. That was in 1994. I've been concerned about the legitimacy of the omnas these days after the fakes ret was pushing and then the "working replicas" from the uncle. I understand that there's hormone in them but probably not the omna blend. If you've got the real deal I'm jealous.
You don't sound like you're feeling any neg sides from the superdrol. I've never used it and probably won't after the sides many experience. The lethargy and overall shit feeling is supposed to be tough. Its not a big deal for some and you sound like one of the fortunate ones.
Its good to see you, Jolter. You've become part of the landscape in the Community. Its a good thing. Its nice to see familiar faces....and some ghosts...Yohimbe is a legend I haven't seen in years!
There 100% legit even have brail

