Quote Originally Posted by jolter604 View Post
I can't imagine ever coming off trt.
I remember working my ass off at work and falling asleep on the freeway.
I figure if I had to come off I would age 10 years in a month and sleep all day and get.
not on the ageing part but i do come off for about 3-6weeks post show and for 2-3 weeks for my trt blood work. i also stop taking my ed cialis and anything that elevates test or free test levels. it is the most miserable experience on the planet and my levels last time came back in single digits. sleeping all the time no drive no energy no nothing. i drop test out of my cycle the last 3-4 weeks of prep to get as bone dry and hard as possible and that in itself along with tren and everything else is brutal on the back side but the results are incredible conditioning wise.
doc has me on 200mg a week and i usually land in the 3-850 range at that dose. could possibly come up a little higher to get them closer to 1k but when cleaning out and being on actual hrt dosing protocol it really isnt necessary