
Quads & Calves

Leg Press (shoulder stance) 3 X 15, super-set with Squat Jumps 3 X 15

Single-leg BB Split Squat (each side) 3 X 15 + 1 min jump rope as active rests

Alternating Walking BB Lunges (10 down, 10 back) 3 X 20, super-set with long jumps (10 down, 10 back) 3 X 20

Leg extensions 3 X 20, super-set with lateral bounds (side-to-side single leg hops) 3 X 20

Smith Machine Squats (place a plate under the heels to put an emphasis on the quads) 3 X 30

Standing Calf Raise 3 X 20 + 1 min jump rope as active rests

Calf Press on Leg Machine 3 X 20 + 1 min jump rope as active rests