I decided to tan, the past 2 days, to get a little base before we head to Arizona. I haventtanned in a bed for probaly 15 years. I only went 5 minutes and today I am on fire,lol. So I am moving slow but wiull head to the gym later morning.


Wed: Chest, Shoulders, Abs + 30 sec sprints

Incline DB Press 3 X 15, super-set with Overhead DB Shoulder Press 3 X 15

Cable Crossovers 3 X 15, Push-ups as active rests 3 X 12

One-armed Overhead DB Squat (each side) 3 X 15, with V-ups on Bench as active rests 3 X 15

Side DB Laterals 3 X 15, super-set with Upright Rows 3 X 15

Tri – set: Dips 3 X 15, Roman Chair Leg Raises 3 X 15, Standard Push-ups 3 X 15 (perform 15, 15, 15 X 3)

30 Sec sprints on treadmill (level 8 – 30 seconds on/30 seconds off)