Did not get time to go shopping this weekend so diet has not started yet.

Don’t worry, I’m not giving up to early yet. I really want to make a change. I’m not the same man anymore. It effecting my marriage and I don’t want my son growing up to knowing me for the person I am now or have been the last 2-3 years, it’s not who I am.

On a posative note one of the reasons I didn’t have time to shop is I made huge progress on my garage. It was floor to ceiling basically the entire garage of junk and storage.

It’s over halfway cleaned out.

I got the AC installed and I got the wall about 80% put up.

I have a little more work to do before I can clean up and assemble the gym itself but I made huge progress this weekend.

I got a bunch of other shit done around the house too, quality of life things, stupid little half done projects and a couple things my wife’s been wanting for a long time I havnt done yet that I finally did.

I’m have class tonight but my goal is to work on the garage at least a little more tonight and throughout the week.

I’ve been listening to a ton of diet, training and interviews while at work lately to keep me focused and keep me motivated. Really just trying to saturate my brain with lifting and eating right and not think about anything else.

My diets been dog shit still but I don’t have anything else to eat at home yet.

I’m hoping I can fit in shopping tonight. We really need to go anyway and people are freaking out about shut downs again so I want to get what I need before that bullshit starts again.

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