So I’m starting this over.

I’ve been in a bad spot mentally for a while.
I’ve been back and fourth with the VA for the last 6+ months with multiple appointments a week.

Life is going ok right now, I’m getting some help and I’m on some medications and I am in a better spot mentally. I’m hoping I can hang on this time.

Unfortunately I have gained even more weight since I started this post.

My plans and my diets have changed around a bit but the basic Principle remains the same. I’m going to be honest with myself and take baby steps.

My main concern right now is losing weight and gaining some confidence back. Once that happens and I can get into the habit of working out and eating right again I will focus more on actually lifting.

My plan right now is to run a keto based diet (I know, but keep in mind fat loss is goal #1 right now)

I’m going to do cardio twice a day probably 5-6 days a week
Weight lifting, with whatever I can do in my garage with the gear I have (some dumbbells, a bar, about 450lbs in plates and some other random equipment, going to grab some more KB’s and DB’s

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