Lastnight ended with a brownie. I had no intentions of it but my wife baked brownies and didn’t tell me and just brought one in the room and I ate the bastard.

This morning I had Cinnamon Toast Crunch lol. I’m finishing off the box and then I won’t buy more. No milk, unsweetened almond milk instead.

1 glass of water

Lunch was 6 whole eggs 2 pieces of whole grain bread and a little ketchup, hot sauce and some seasonings

Couple more glasses of water

I made another smoothie with mixed frozen berries and unsweetened almond milk.

No energy drink again today but I did have an energy packet. It’s a strike force energy packet, owned and operated by vets. You pour it in a water bottle, 0 calories and 0 sugars. I think it has 130mg of caffeine. I sip on it throughout the day.

Plan is to go home and do some more cardio and maybe hit some curls and dead lifts just to kind of get back into it.

No clue what’s for dinner Friday is usually pizza and heavy boozing so hopefully I can find a healthy alternative.