I’ve been pretty disgusted with myself lately.

I’m thinking about trying to get back into shape. I’m not focused so much on “bodybuilding” or anything right now. Right now my goal is to ease my way back into working out and to just stop being fat. If I can follow through long enough to do that then I will change focus to rebuilding muscle mass.

I’m going to be honest and at times probably a little stupid in this but hopefully that will help, besides This is the internet and I don’t know anyone personally and you guys have always been helpful for me

I’ve been lost AF since getting out of the military and have lost all purpose or motivation for literally anything.

I’m battling severe depression and a multitude of other medical issues which really puts a hindering on me making any progress.

I have sleep apnea and if I get any sleep it’s terribke I’m exhuasted all day so I’m hoping fixing my diet can at least help this issue.

So I guess step one is starting this log. I’ve already ordered meals from a meal service to hopefully start getting the worst part of my diet fixed, my lunch at work which is made up mostly of fast food.